Parent Action Committee
The Parent Action Committee (PAC) is a group of parents who support, encourage, and advance the communications and fundraising activities of Luther North College Prep and cultivate wholesome school spirit, develop character and high ideals. The PAC promotes projects, events and fundraisers to improve the facilities and general operations for the school. In the 2014/2015 school year, the PAC volunteers helped make all of the yearly fundraisers a success. There are many ways to become involved in the PAC. There are Board and Event Chairperson positions available. Please see the Luther North website to read our PAC Bylaws and to read how you can become involved. Some of the current projects we are working on to improve the operations for the school is maintaining and improving are:
• Monthly Market Day Fundraiser
• HIP Gift Wrapping in December
• Various shopping reward programs
Our committee will also be involved in helping with the general activities/fundraisers that will be held throughout the school year.
Member Dues are $10 for 2014-2015. A membership form can be downloaded below. The PAC group is always looking for candidates for the variety of positions we have open. If you are interested in becoming more involved in PAC, please contact Vicki Simpson at
Our committee will also be involved in helping with the general activities/fundraisers that will be held throughout the school year
2014 – 2015 PAC Meetings, meeting start at 6:00 pm
Aug 11
Oct 21
Feb 17
May 19
2014-2015 Board Members
Co-Chairs: Vicki Simpson and Geri Zych
Treasurer: Carol Everrett
Communication Director: Jolynn O’Connell
Members at Large: Chris Caprio, Colleen Grober
Auction Co-Chairs: Geri Zych, Teri Casem
Click here to download the PAC membership form.
Click here to read our PAC Bylaws.
Click here for Volunteer Opportunities.
Help Raise Cash Opportunities.